World’s Largest Sugar Daddy Website Is Targeting China

seekingarrangement.comSeekingArrangement, the world’s largest sugar daddy website, is about to launch Chinese version. Whilst other rich men dating sites may offer you long lasting love or passionate one-off encounters, SeekingArrangement offers a dating service, pairing successful and sophisticated men and women with younger, attractive men and women who are looking for no strings attached mutually beneficial relationships. The site is an American-based website which was launched in 2005 and since then has established a client base of more than 4.5 million users worldwide, wishing to start a relationship on their terms.

Reasons SeekingArrangement is targeting China:

  • Following the recent report from SeekingArrangement, about 100,000 men on the China mainland had joined its service, membership have increased rapidly with a large number of married men.
  • Furthermore, online dating is becoming widely accepted and popular in China. TV dating shows and dating sites are blooming out, saying on their websites that their members are “successful, charming, financially stable men with a mature character who will share life experiences with you and take you shopping, for expensive dinners and overseas sightseeing.”
  • China is developing fast and there are more and more rich men in China. Beijing has the largest number of would-be sugar daddies on the mainland with about 10,000 site members, according to SeekingArrangement. They each have an average of about $2 million in assets, based on the figures they supplied when registering on Shanghai follows with nearly 8,000 members, with claimed average assets of $2.5 million. Most members on the mainland are in their early 30s and give sugar babies monthly allowances between $1,500 and $3,000, according to SeekingArrangement.
  • Due to China’s One-child Policy in the past 2 decades of years, young people are facing great pressure financially, feeding a family of 4 parents and 1 child alone, without any help from any siblings because they are the only child. In order to be successful in both school and career, young people have to devote more time studying and less time building social networks. In addition, with no siblings at home, these offspring also are growing up with far fewer opportunities to socialize.
  • Most moms in China want their daughters to marry a rich man. He must have a house, car, and better to have a good job. While most young men are not so successful yet unless they are inherent to great wealth from their parents, most rich men want to be accompanied by a woman who is beautiful, youthful, adventurous, sexually active, well educated and able to have good conversations, classy, sassy… There are many self-made rich men in China but self-made rich men are usually in their 40s, 50s, and even older, and their wives are usually not young any more. So there are lots of sugar daddy and sugar baby wannabes.

Some possible challenges SeekingArrangement will encounter in China:

The Media in China have dubbed the site a “broker for gold diggers” and it has created controversy on the mainland since its launch of SeekingArrangement.

BTW, more thаn 99% оf men and wоmеn between the аgеѕ оf 35 аnd 39 іn mainland China hаvе bееn married, ассоrdіng tо a ѕtudу bу Gаvіn W. Jоnеѕ at thе Aѕіа Rеѕеаrсh Inѕtіtutе. This may not be gооd fоr mаrkеtіng.